Customer Journey

15 Dec. 2022

We're very close to the end of 2022 and the team is busy finishing up the last details for each of our projects ..

💰 New Customer Journey

Trial Activation


Ever since we switched to SaaS in 2020, we've maintained some of our old business model structures.


This was a mistake, but we've been busy working on other more important projects (the Wild Mail app, Wildmetrics, our new website).


Now that we have the main assets finished, we decided to restructure our Customer Journey. Adapt it more to a software company (what we are) instead of an agency (what we were).


It hasn't been easy, but with the help of all team members, we accomplished this 🙂.


The Customer Journey is the journey that each customer takes from the moment they discover a product (in this case, Wild Mail) until they end up buying it (in theory, the journey ends when the person stops using the product).


The centerpiece of the Customer Journey is our Trial Activation, together with our Week 1 with Wild Mail guide.




It consists of one email per day, for 7 days, after you open a new Wild Mail account. In each email, you receive instructions on how to properly set up your account based on an order of priorities.


The principle of this was discussed in Newsletter #24. Basically, we are moving away from the traditional funnel and moving more toward understanding our users and what they need to grow their business.


We then use Week 1 with Wild Mail to provide support material and tutorials to help our users follow the recommendations in each email.


If you want to hack us and get a first-hand look at our new Customer Journey, you can do it here, by opening a new Wild Mail account.


Just by doing that you'll receive everything.


Any feedback on this is welcome 🙂.

What is Wild Mail?

Wild Mail is ActiveCampaign for European companies with extra benefits:

  • We are Europe-based serving European companies

  • Premium & localised support in less than 1h

  • First-class ActiveCampaign consulting

  • Free ActiveCampaign Academy

Official ActiveCampaign reseller
GDPR ready
© 2024 Wild Audience S.L.