Launching finance updates

6 Dec. 2022

New finance updates

One of our core values is transparency, which is why we talk openly about our numbers. Transparency leads to authenticity, and doing business this way makes life easier.


This is why we have created a new section on our website called Finance updates to share quarterly updates about revenue & performance stats.


Visit Finance updates ->

New changelog

We are launching a new section on our website called Changelog!


The changelog shares what we ship every single week & will give some behind the scenes of how we grow Wild Mail to €100,000 revenue per month.


What is Wild Mail?

Wild Mail is ActiveCampaign for European companies with extra benefits:

  • We are Europe-based serving European companies

  • Premium & localised support in less than 1h

  • First-class ActiveCampaign consulting

  • Free ActiveCampaign Academy

Official ActiveCampaign reseller
GDPR ready
© 2024 Wild Audience S.L.