New newsletter

12 Jan. 2023

Happy Thursday! Bastian here.

📨 New Wildmetrics newsletter

As you know, we usually send our newsletter every Thursday. 2023 will be the year of Wildmetrics, so I have started a weekly newsletter about the new software we are creating.


If you have tried WMX, you will receive this new newsletter every Friday. If you haven't tried WMX yet, you can do it by creating an account (it's free).


In this new NL you'll find:

  • Product updates

  • How to use WMX to better understand AC data

  • How to use WMX to measure the Customer Journey of your users

  • Content and collaborations that we will be creating..


If you just want to take a closer look at what we do, click this link and you will also receive the new NL from now on 🙂 . Tomorrow we will be talking about v2 for the new reports. 


Any feedback is welcome.


📺 New YouTube tutorial



Learn how to properly organise your tags, how to use tags to segment your audience, and how to use tags to trigger automations. 

What is Wild Mail?

Wild Mail is ActiveCampaign for European companies with extra benefits:

  • We are Europe-based serving European companies

  • Premium & localised support in less than 1h

  • First-class ActiveCampaign consulting

  • Free ActiveCampaign Academy

Official ActiveCampaign reseller
GDPR ready
© 2024 Wild Audience S.L.